Del mondo/2021

Del Mondo: toys herbarium like illustrated encyclopedia

Del Mondo is a series of compositions inspired by the aesthetics of herbariums and old illustrated encyclopedias in which oftentimes the final result, influenced by the imagination of the designer, was a display of simultaneously distorted and evocative images. The collection of the photographed objects has been put together by the authors over the years… Continue reading Del mondo/2021



Sacralia series harks back to the aesthetic canons and concept of wunderkammer in which, however, the spiritual dimension is historically absent. A personal collection of objects coming to us through several lives, it includes both traditionally sacred and common objects that through juxtapositions and a peculiar atmosphere spread the will of an intimate research and… Continue reading Sacralia/2020

Museo di storia naturale/Diorami 2020

Diorami Museo di storia naturale Milano

The fascination for the peculiar atmosphere of dioramas has led to the creation of this series. These shots have all been taken at the Museum of Natural History in Milan and are meant as a journey both through memory and the present. In these pictures the animals placed against an accurately decorated backdrop resemble huge… Continue reading Museo di storia naturale/Diorami 2020

Categorized as personali

Tecniche del corpo/Mani 2019-2020

hands holding cell phones ethnologic research marcel mauss

In 1934 ethnologist M. Mauss initiated a field of studies on the techniques of the body, meaning “the ways in which human beings in different societies use their body, conforming to tradition”. Today the way we use our body is more and more influenced by the evolutions of technology and often are our organs to… Continue reading Tecniche del corpo/Mani 2019-2020

Drag Syndrome/Portraits 2019


Drag Syndrome is a series of portraits taken before a show in Milan. Drag Syndrome is a British, London-based collective of drag queens and kings with Down syndrome; they have toured extensively both in Europe – Norway, Germany, UK, Italy – and America – Mexico, U.S.A., Canada. One of Culture Device’s projects (, with Robert… Continue reading Drag Syndrome/Portraits 2019


a jute mask monster voodoo santeria

Rituals is a personal interpretation of the hand-made Chimare masks by the artist Mara Cocevari. Made of burlap, fabric, sewn-in strings, they are painted and have wooden inserts. The particular nature of the materials has inspired an atmosphere that evokes both the Caribbean cult of Santerìa and African animism. The features emerge from the darkness,… Continue reading Rituals/2015